tbl 11

So I’m working through college at this downtown Atlanta diner. Night shifts so, without sleep, I can keep the internships and classes going. I’m seated with two chicks fresh from the club, which is fine, I mean, that’s my bread and butter. They’re at once ignorant and disrespectful, but whatever, I’ve seen it before. Service goes okay, despite their constant requests for shit that’s either a) not on the menu or b) above and beyond (aka the bread service I gave them, despite my place of work being, ya know, a fucking diner.) The girls leave a $1 tip on a $25 tab.

So, unbeknownst to me, one of the girls had been wearing a grill. And she apparently left it at the table. So 20 minutes later, she storms back in with her friend, demanding that we find her grill. The table, as a matter of course, had been bussed. Personally, I could give a good God damn about an undertipper’s anything, but I was slightly drunk and had the feeling that this might result in hilarity.

I was right.

After she ropes a manager into the search, he gives her permission to go into the back and dig through the trash.

Now, i don’t expect many to be familiar w/ what a restaurant trash can looks like, but try and imagine the fat and entrails from poultry, beef, seafood and veggie prep. And of course, the bussed plates from dinner service.

So, yeah, the two chicks spent a good 30 mins literally digging through trash trying to find the one girl’s grill.

They found it.

And the wearer asked me to rinse it off, to which request i happily obliged.

Hosed it off real fast at the dish station and don’t you know –

she put it right back in her mouth.

Published in: on June 20, 2007 at 10:45 pm  Leave a Comment  

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